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International healthcare advice, design, administration and management

We advise multinationals, international organizations and small and medium enterprises on the design of international benefit plans including related services with high added value. We cover all international employees of businesses and organizations for healthcare, death and disability, medical evacuation and retirement regardless of their nationality, category of employment or whether or not they belong to a local healthcare scheme. With total independence from insurers, assistance companies and other service providers, we design and manage health, assistance, travel & life insurance solutions complemented by a wide range of support services to closely match our clients’ needs. We operate either on the basis of wholly customized solutions or by providing them with pooled packages that offer economies of scale.

Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Dedicated and cost-effective health plans

SME employee groups require dedicated and cost-effective health plans to attract and retain talent to assist them with their commercial growth plans. This often requires a plan customised for smaller teams with multiple levels of regional and international cover taking into account:
  • the specific size and nature of the company’s activity,
  • the various countries of residence and nationalities of their employees,
  • the employees’ lifestyles.

For details on group employee health plans for SMEs please telephone our Commercial Department directly on: 4 3651351 


Corporate Solutions

International health insurance for employees of national, multinational and international organisations

MSH INTERNATIONAL is a leading designer and manager of healthcare solutions for globally mobile employees - and their families - living and working in the GCC, MENA, Africa and Indian Sub-continent regions.

Since 2006 companies from multiple industry sectors have entrusted the Dubai office with the management of their employee health plans in their efforts to attract talent, retain talent and demonstrate commitment to providing the highest standards of employee health, safety and well-being.

Interconnected between 5 regional head offices in Paris, Tunis, Dubai, Toronto, and Shanghai, MSH INTERNATIONAL provides; consult country-specific health information for over 200 countries to over 500,000 members/international employees in 2,000 enterprises, via more than 1,000,000 medical professionals across the globe to deliver inpatient cashless services.

Backed by reimbursement in over 150 currencies, this scale and reach enables the delivery of truly personalised health insurance solutions, wherever, whenever, from the Dubai based team 24/7, 365 days a year across the region and worldwide.

For details on corporate group employee health plans please telephone our Commercial Department directly on :  + 971 4 365 1351 
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