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MSH INTERNATIONAL, a French insurance brokerage company, a société par actions simplifiée with a capital of €2,500,000.
Registered office: Season, 39 rue Mstislav Rostropovitch - 75017 Paris - France
Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no. 352 807 549, registered with the ORIAS under no. 07 002 751, Intra-community VAT no. FR 78 352 807 549.
MSH INTERNATIONAL is regulated by the French Prudential Supervision Authority (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution).


Director of publication:
Mr. Frédéric Grand, President of MSH INTERNATIONAL.

Hosted by:
Sopra Steria Group
PAE Les Glaisins
3, rue du Pré Faucon
74940 ANNECY



All rights reserved © MSH INTERNATIONAL 2019. All contents of any nature (fixed or animated images, databases, trademarks, illustrations, logos, drawings, models, layouts, downloadable documents) contained in this website are protected as intellectual works by French and international copyright laws. Unless specified otherwise, these contents remain the sole property of MSH INTERNATIONAL. This means that under penalty of law, no part of the website may be reproduced, represented, adapted, partially or totally modified in any form or by any means without prior written permission.

 Trademarks and logos reproduced on our website are registered. Any reproduction, republication or further distribution of trademarks and logos in whole or in part by any means without prior written permission is strictly prohibited, as provided by Article L.713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.


This website is governed by the laws of France. Any litigation will be tried before French courts.


The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. It is subject to change without notice by MSH INTERNATIONAL. MSH INTERNATIONAL makes no warranty as to the accuracy of this content. Furthermore MSH INTERNATIONAL does not accept liability to any person for the information provided on this website or lack of detailed information.

MSH International (Dubai) Ltd is Licensed and Regulated by Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) in Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) for the provision of Insurance Management. All communications and services are directed at professional clients only. With Commercial License Number CL0218.

MSH International LLC is Licensed and Regulated by Central Bank of United Arab Emirates (CBUAE) for the provision of Medical Billing Services and Claims Settlement Services. With Commercial License Number 677298.


MSH International, with its head office located in Season, 39 rue Mstislav Rostropovitch 75815 Paris cedex 17, France, conducts personal data processing actions required for your formal identification to access a secure area, for the issue of an insurance offering or policy, its management and monitoring and for compliance with regulatory requirements in the field of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing. In this respect, all of the data collected is mandatory.

The recipients of your personal data are: the risk carrier (insurer), the different entities making up MSH International and the service providers involved in the administration of the insurance policy across the world. In this context, your data may be transferred to third countries outside the European Union guaranteeing an appropriate level of protection or subject to the use of adapted safeguards such as the signature of standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission, or based on the derogations provided for in Article 49 of Regulation 2016/679, known as General Data Protection Regulation.

Your personal data will be stored for the length of time required by the administration service, as provided for by the applicable laws.

At all times you benefit from a right of access, rectification, or erasure, or restriction or opposition and portability of your personal data as well as the right to organize instructions upon your death. To exercise your rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer by mail at the abovementioned address or by email at

You benefit from the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority in charge of personal data protection.

You can access our full Policy on the Protection of Personal Data by clicking HERE.


Should you be dissatisfied in any way, your usual contact person is available to assist you.
You can also contact the Service réclamation (Complaints Department) at 23, Allées de l’Europe, 92587 Clichy Cedex, France or the Complaints Department of your nearest regional head office (all contact details are available under “Contact”).
In this case, we undertake to provide you with a reply no later than two months after receiving the necessary information related to your complaint, or, failing that, to keep you informed about the progress of the investigation into your complaint.
If you still disagree with the reply or solution provided, you can write to the Insurance Mediator as a last resort: La Médiation de l’Assurance, TSA 50110 - 75441 Paris Cedex 09, France.


MSH International, a subsidiary of SIACI SAINT HONORE, has produced this fact sheet to make it clear how we, or our partners, use cookies on our website. This fact sheet will also give you all the information you need to manage your consent to the cookies placed on your devices. This fact sheet may be updated, including for reasons of compliance with legal and regulatory developments, so we recommend checking it regularly.


Cookies are small files that are placed and stored on your devices (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) to allow us to gather information on how you browse our website.



These are the different types of cookies we use on our website for the following purposes : 


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These cookies allow you to browse our website and use its various features.

They include : 

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These cookies do not require your consent.


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These cookies help personalize your browsing experience on our website by remembering your language, country and other preferences. 


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These cookies help us analyze your browsing and behavior on our website to identify any problems and improve our content, for example, by analyzing the pages you click on, how long you are logged in, the pages you are viewing when you leave our site, etc. These cookies do not require your consent except in certain cases provided for by law (see the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) website However, you can opt out at any time.


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These cookies help us provide you with relevant, personalized advertising content (in the form of banner ads) based on your browsing. Our website also uses third-party cookies which will have access to your browsing data for the purpose of targeted advertising. These cookies require your prior consent.


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We offer you content sharing buttons via social networks (Facebook and LinkedIn). The publishers of these social networks may place cookies directly on your device to identify your browsing session on our website, even if you do not click on these buttons. These cookies require your prior consent.

LThe above-mentioned cookies may be placed by us or by third-party partners, provided you have given your consent. This means that these third parties may have direct access to your browsing data. Below is a table showing the cookies placed on your devices and the corresponding third-party partners. We recommend reading their cookie policy directly on their website.

The duration of your consent depends on the particular cookie but under no circumstances can it exceed a maximum of 13 months.

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You can manage your consent at any time by clicking here
If you have any questions, please contact our data protection officer at

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